Green Cow Feedlot Pellet
Green Cow Feedlot Pellet is a premium quality and certified
organic feed, with high energy and protein levels for feed lotting cattle to maximise growth.
The addition of BioChar Activated™ will increase weight gain, improve feed conversion ratio, decrease methane emissions and improve the health and wellbeing of your cattle.
Green Cow Stockfeed blends Certified Organic grains and protein meals with BioChar Activated™ Feed Additive, to provide your herd with essential mineral and vitamin requirements for optimum health and productivity.
Provides essential minerals for cattle, considering the requirements and differences of foraging behaviour, age and stage of production.
Increases production due to binding of Mycotoxins and positive gut health. BioChar Activated™ Feed Additive extends retention time of feed and improves the Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR).
Superior Health
The key ingredient is a specially formulated blend of BioChar Activated™ for animal ingestion to improve livestock health through favourable gut micro flora and removal of pathogenic flora (e.g. Campylobacter and Heliobacterium), aiding weight gain and ultimately improving the profitability of your beef operation.
Environmental Benefits
Reduction in nitrogen loss and greenhouse gasses (reduced odour) due to enhanced Cation Exchange Capacity; decreased Ureolytic activity; and decreased PH or aeration.
The value of manure is also improved creating a more stable fertiliser with higher nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) values and stable carbon to add to soil values for future carbon credits.
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